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General Questions asked by First Time ClientsWHAT DOES RTT HYPNOTHERAPY FEEL LIKE? You already know what RTT feels like because you experience natural hypnotic states every day when you ‘drift off’ whilst watching television, driving or just daydreaming. In RTT, we take you into the same state in order to access the subconscious mind to imprint new, empowering suggestions, providing life changing transformations. DO I FALL ASLEEP? No, you will be awake and alert, in a deep state of relaxation. CAN THE HYPNOTIST CONTROL ME? No, you cannot be taken into hypnosis against your will nor made to do anything you would not want to do. You are able to come out of hypnosis at any time you choose. HOW MANY SESSIONS WILL I NEED? Generally, one session is all that is needed, however, it can take several sessions to overcome deeply rooted habits or beliefs and so this very much depends on each individual. It can be likened to peeling off layers of an onion; releasing some behavioural patterns may reveal something else that needs addressing. I am better able to advise on how many sessions you might need during our initial consultation but its ultimately the clients choice and one session will make a huge impact on its own. Everyone is individual and a treatment program needs to be unique to the individual and the client will always be in control of the decision to proceed. WHAT IF I CAN'T BE HYPNOTISED? Everyone can be hypnotised, as long as you wish to enter hypnosis, you will. It's an easy, enjoyable and thoroughly relaxing process. IS IT SAFE? Absolutely. You enter hypnosis with a deep relaxation technique and you are brought out in a safe, controlled and relaxed manner at all times. WHAT IF I GO BACK TO SCENES THAT ARE PAINFUL OR SCARY? If you go back to scenes from your life that are related to things like sexual or physical abuse, or other trauma, it's important to remember that you are not reliving that scene, you are simply reviewing it and that you are safe. I will support you and create a safe space for you to express your emotions and heal - you'll be okay. You can never relive the best experiences of your life like Christmas morning, or the best meal you every had, its the same for bad experiences. You will be safe and in control and a memory is just a memory. You don't even need to tell me what's happening, all I need to know is the feelings you are feeling. So you can keep all details private if you need to. CAN I GET "STUCK" IN HYPNOSIS? No you can't. You have complete control the whole time. You can talk, move your body, get a tissue, even get up and leave go to the bathroom etc. if you need to. If our call gets disconnected you may drift into sleep if you're really relaxed, but eventually, you'll notice that you're not hearing my voice and open your eyes. HOW DOES IT WORK? Hypnosis is not magic - it is science! It works by creating a burst of Alpha brain waves that are the same as when you are in Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. This allows you to access the subconscious mind. It's very easy and anyone can do it, you'll see for yourself when you do it too! WHAT IF I THINK I ALREADY KNOW THE REASONS BEHIND MY ISSUE? The conscious mind may have an idea of what's wrong but it's the subconscious mind that runs your reactions and behaviours so when RTT takes you back to the root cause of the issue it may find a different cause altogether. Or it may show you a different slant on what you thought was the cause. Either way, your subconscious knows you inside out and wants to protect you at all costs so whatever reason it comes up with, just relax and trust it has your back and shows you exactly what you need to see. WHEN WILL I START TO SEE CHANGES? RTT is designed to give you a powerful breakthrough and create big changes in your life. Some clients may need more than one RTT session on a particular issue, depending on how deep it is or how long they have had it. It can take up to 3 sessions at most. Most people know themselves if they need another session. I always aim for clearing as much as I can in one session . Assuming the Client is listening to the 28 day recording every single day: There are 3 different types of changes we see with Rapid Transformational Therapy - every person is different. IMMEDIATE: You feel a massive shift right away - immediate changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviours right in the session. CUMULATIVE: You see consistent shifts every day, or over time. RETROACTIVE: You don't see the shifts right away and then one day you suddenly look back and see all the things that are different in your life. HOW WILL I FEEL AFTERWARDS? Most people come out of hypnosis feeling relaxed, a little dazed perhaps for the first few minutes. Most clients come out of trance with huge smiles on their faces, feeling excited and empowered at the significant experience they have just gone through. Yet everyone is different, some feel an excited energy through their body, others feel a tingling and others a sense of reflectiveness. You will feel tired later on so it's important on the day of your session you don't have anything too hectic or busy planned. WHY CAN’T I JUST BOOK A SESSION WITH YOU? Clients have to be committed to making change. The commitment must also be yours, as opposed to your partner’s or your parents’ wishes. It’s important we talk so we can gauge whether we feel a rapport and could work together. These are the two most significant factors for RTT hypnotherapy to work well.
Why Hypnotherapy and What is it?Hypnosis is a way of directly accessing the subconscious mind so that clients can understand what is running their unwanted behaviours and then become free of them, through a process of suggestion that bypasses the conscious mind and the critical factor, allowing the mind to accept a suggestion it would previously have not accepted. – Marisa Peer Feb 2017 RTT Founder. Imagine your mind is like a garden, whats below the ground is the subconscious mind and above the ground is conscious mind. Deep rooted beliefs like "I put weight on looking at food" or "I would rather die than speak in public" or "I am always unlucky" are like weeds embedded in your subconscious mind which runs on autopilot, and runs 95% of your day. It's difficult for an individual to unlearn and remove these beliefs (weeds) with motivation and willpower alone. It takes consistent repetitive behaviour daily for many weeks or months to do this. Even if you manage to change the behaviours consciously, you may never know where exactly this toxic belief came from in the first place. This means with the right triggers it can resurface and regrow again and bring you back to square one. Hypnotherapy can get to the root cause of these weeds/issues in the subconscious mind and remove it, and RTT Hypnotherapy goes one step further by implanting the seeds of new beliefs YOU choose before the session, and installing them continuously with a bespoke recording that you listen to 30 days after the session. This unique personal 30 day recording will subconsciously install your new habits and beliefs over time and make them permanent. You also get support from me during that 30 days to help that session have the maximum impact.
What is RTT Hypnotherapy?Rapid Transformational Therapy combines Hypnotherapy, NLP and CBT to give every client the tools to clear blocks and build new beliefs that serve them. The unique therapy uses the first session to remove the block or issue, then the 28 day recording ensures this block doesn't come back and a new belief and habit can be installed.
Who is this for?Thanks to RTT Hypnotherapy I can help anyone over 18 and those under 18 with parental consent. I can work with any issue within the scope of my expertise. Through the free consultation call, we can discuss if the issues and therapy I provide are a match, so the client and I are working together at all times. I do specialise in helping overwhelmed women in midlife take back control of their lives by taking clients through the 60 day Find your Light program, more details on the home page.
What issues can RTT Hypnotherapy help with?Self Sabotage Procrastination Stopping smoking Fear of Public Speaking Phobias Weight loss Overwhelm Stress Skin issues Insomnia Loss of confidence Low self esteem Regulating emotions Speaking up for yourself Increasing energy levels Developing healthy habits Reconnecting with loved ones Removing blame, shame and guilt Learning to self love and self care Developing coping skills Exam Stress Getting back to work Anxiety
How long does it take RTT to work?RTT is designed to give you a powerful breakthrough and create big changes in your life. Some clients may need more than one RTT session on a particular issue, depending on how deep it is or how long they have had it. It can take up to 3 sessions at most. Most people know themselves if they need another session. I always aim for clearing as much as I can in one session . Assuming the Client is listening to the 28 day recording every single day: There are 3 different types of changes we see with Rapid Transformational Therapy - every person is different. IMMEDIATE: You feel a massive shift right away - immediate changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviours right in the session. CUMULATIVE: You see consistent shifts every day, or over time. RETROACTIVE: You don't see the shifts right away and then one day you suddenly look back and see all the things that are different in your life.
What happens when I book a free consultation call?A free consultation call is exactly that, a free call. It's function is to clarify, inform and help you find your next step. You will always be in control of the outcome and there is no pressure to decide. I love what I do and love to help people, so all these calls are a pleasure. During a call we will discuss: 1. If hypnotherapy is right for you. 2. If I am the right therapist for you. 3. If you can commit to the time for the sessions online and following support. 4. If you can commit to listening to the recording for 21-30 days. 5. Decide which package or program works for you. 6. If it's a yes to all of the above a session can be booked and paid for and therapy can begin. 7. If it's a maybe, you can take time to digest all the information from the call and book a session at a later time.
What is the process for booking a session?Step 1: Begins with the Free Consultation call and if Client is happy to proceed a session is booked at next available date. Payment can be made at time of booking or a deposit paid. Step 2. Before the date of the session the client will fill in an intake form and agree to the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Disclaimer. Full payment is minimum 48hrs prior to the session or at time of booking Step 3:The session will take place at the designated time and will be conducted online through zoom. The Client needs to be undisturbed for 2-2.5 hours and in a comfortable chair with a laptop or computer positioned so I can see them clearly. After the session is completed the Client will be a little tired so it is recommended to have a relaxed day/evening afterwards. Step 4: At the end of the session a bespoke recording will be emailed to the Client which they will need to download and listen to everyday for 28 days. Step 5: The Client will receive contact from me in a method they prefer on Day 2, 14 and 21 to support and coach you on your journey at times that suit you. Step 5: On day 28 we can have a more detailed discussion on your progress and how you are feeling after the 30 days. What Next? Most clients are happy with their results after one session but if another issue is prevalent and needs support a second session can be booked. The entire process will start again for this deeper issue and build on the work already achieved so there is no going back to old patterns or behaviours. You, the client, dictate the number of sessions needed and over what period of time.
What is the "Find your light" Program?This is a program for women who want to regain their confidence, remove imposter syndrome and/or find their purpose. If you feel you have lost your confidence and you are not feeling like your true self you are not alone. Millions of us have lost our confidence as we get older for many reasons including other people’s labelling, bad relationships, peri/menopause, grief, traumatic childhoods, illness etc. However, you were born confident and full of self esteem! Everyone is! You never see a baby petrified of going on a plane, or a 2 year old giving up learning to walk or talk because it was too much or people might laugh at them! You never see a child of 2 or 3 complaining about how much they eat or the size of their thighs! Our inner cheerleader gets silenced by others opinions and by life’s experiences. Being sandwiched between raising families and ageing parents, while trying to work, stay in a relationship, manage a home, family, pets, community demands and present ourselves to the outside world: all of this takes its toll. Add in hormone depletion, pandemics and world economic instability and there is a huge mental, physical and emotional load to deal with. This can lead to increased anxiety, loss of confidence and a myriad of health issues. 1 in 10 women give up their careers when they reach midlife. That is a huge loss to these women, to their families and the world economy and wellbeing. All Women should SHINE BRIGHT and stop hiding in plain sight. SO WHAT CAN YOU DO NOW? No matter how many issues or responsibilities you have on your plate right now, the only thing you have 100% control of is your own self. Taking care of yourself is the first thing you need to do. Learn how to silence that inner critic, remove that imposter syndrome and reinstall your cheerleader with the Find Your Light Program so you rebuild the confidence you were born with. More details of the program is found on the home page and under the Services tab.
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